First image: A script that I stumbled onto online, which describes a system that forms the foundation of the model I created; in this version, a series of triangles lofted between two curves "dance" as sliders for different parameters are manipulated.
Second Image: Experimenting with a rather dramatic lofted surface, while attempting to rebuild the model system in grasshopper. This really helped me to understand better what each function does, as I worked through trial and error to replicate some of the properties in the exemplary script.
Third Image: In this version, I tamed the surface itself to a more simple surface, a simple curve duplicated and lofted upward. This process breaks the surface itself into vertical and horizontal divisions which form a separated grid system of subsurfaces within the lofted surface.
Fourth Image: The model system is completed for the most part here. At this point, I was experimenting with different aesthetics by playing with the grid parameters and seeing how the attractor point would affect each piece of the broken surface.
Fifth Image: To add a level of reality to the system, I replicated the system, offset it, and lofted to create materials with thickness. Here is what will be rendered for the presentation images.