Today I sat down to move forward with my model, incorporating some new principles of using attractor points to suggest physical surfaces that articulate reciprocity, inverse relationships, and spatial patterns.
After several hours, I found myself not too far along in
pushing those concepts... I worked through a tutorial on attractor
points on a 2D plane, which is the first image you see. Then, in an effort to manipulate this gridded and attractor-based pattern in the vertical dimension, I went through a tutorial that taught me how to coordinate a 3D surface based off a point grid to react to an attractor point.
My next idea was to create a grid of these grids, and compose a pattern that would show a slight variation based on slight changes and translations of each surfaces attractor points, but was unable to independently attach each copy to a new attractor point. This pulls from the concept of matrix that we applied in project 1. I'm struggling to put the 2 and 2 together from the different strategies that I've learned, because neither of the tutorials, nor most that I find in general, do much to explain what the tools really do. I'm a bit frustrated by my inability to work this out, but I'll revisit tomorrow and see if I can make any more progress before placing onto a presentation sheet.
It's interesting to see how the idea was developed through three phases!